And So It Begins...
Hi, everyone! Just dropping in to keep you guys updated. Today had been long and busy however significantly less disastrous than yesterday, I'm pleased to say. We were dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn and gathered together for breakfast and our devotional. You'll be surprised to know that it was extremely wet, cold and misty outside; but you know what they say, 'everywhere you go, always take the weather with you'. It was still early when we left for the Women's Centre chapel. We were gladly welcomed by the ladies there and ushered in to join them in worship. Which was all well and good until we realised their worship is very, very different to our usual services. Being your cliche presbyterians when it come to singing and dancing during worship, we're all accustomed to shuffling into the back row and keeping our heads down while we sing our hymns (maybe tapping our foot to the rhythm if we're in a particularly good mood). This, however, was the ...
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